I'm not really sure about other culture. But in Indonesia, we simply expected to go to school, find a good work, get married and have children. For those who's not following that path, is punished with questions.
And for me the hardest part of being "childless couple" is dealing with questions : "When are you going to get a baby?" Huuf, is it really need to asked? It's not like we don't want it, right?
Lately, I realised, I'm not only being asked, but also given ALMOST ANYTHING to enhance our possibility.
From a modern supplement for me and for my husband :
I hope the label is quite clear, it's a line of honey, milk, vitamin E and B, omega 3, and other stuff I don't even know how to spell.
an unknown perscription
turn into an unknown ingridients
boiled into an un-delicious beverage
To a health stone, a set of necklace, bracelet and ankle bracelet.
It doesn't include the recommendation on some doctors, IUI treatments, hormon therapy, massage, accupunture and so on. Wow the list is getting longer.
After all questions and medicine, they told me for avoiding STRESS?!
They feed me with that!
What they don't know (but you girls already knew ^_^) that we have a best medicine :
Do you agree with me?
They are my best friends on my 3 hours waiting time at the doctor, the best stress reliever, the best reason to go all the way to singapore, it's just...the best of all.
Awww! I know exactly how you feel. I have been married 13 years and no kids. Sometimes I wish people would just mind their own business...LOL! Thank goodness for tatting.
It is the same way in my culture...the punished with questions part. That's a good way to put it, LOL! There may be many different "alternative lifestyles" here in California, USA, but those of us who embrace traditional lifestyles have similar attitudes thrust against us.
Thank you for entering my giveaway! Good luck to you! Thank you for all the very kind things you said in your comment. I really appreciate that! :)
No, I don't think that the trouble with the blog is "just you" as you asked. It takes a while to load with the new font I put on there. I tried to remedy it by decreasing my widgets, but it only seemed to help just a little.
You are SO right about tatting. It brings it's own 'built in' stress relief!!! Also as soon as you let the world know you 'don't want children' you'll have them. I've seen that happen SO many times over the years.
Tatting is like having prayer beads that turn into something beautiful. As you tat, know that many many tatters are thinking of you and sending you loving support.
That's soo true about the punished with questions!LOL I got married at 28 and had a kid at 30. I adore my son and he is the absolute best thing in my life, but I think it would have been wiser to wait a few more years before I had him.
At least now I have tatting to relieve my stress. lol
I know what you mean about the questions. It is everywhere especially in Asian cultures. Tatting IS a stress reliever for me too.
Another line of questioning is "When are you getting married?"
Perhaps they will someday catch on and just help with the costs :-)
Thank you for all of your comments. You're such a nice friend.
I'm so happy that I have an opportunity to learn tatting and to know each one of the greatest tatter all around the world. Dunno how to handle all the stress without you ^_^
And I think EnlightenedByAngels is right, having or not having a child, we all have problems with it. The most important thing, how we deal with it.
Thank you once again to all.
When we were told we needed IVF I learnt to tat :)
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