I guess, it's gonna be my last post before my TAX EXAM next week. 12 subjects in total, 3 subjects per week, well, that's make 4 weeks filled with rules and numbers. I'm afraid there won't be much time left to tat or blog **sigh**
About a month ago, my mom took a trip to Australia to visit my brother. Last week she came home. And look what my brother gave me
Look at all the sweets he gave me. He really spoilled me this time!
But the sweetest of all of this is....taaaaaa daaaaaaaa.....
Don't we just love this book?
So many fabulous designs, too bad I won't have much time to try them. Haaaa...another *****sigh***** LOL. But I manage to make "Large Cross". Can't show it now, for it's being pressed down under this pile!

Last night, when I put the cross into my magic pressing machine , I found, not one, not two, but THREE. Yes, three pieces of - I don't even remember where I put it- tatted bookmarks. Been there for quite some time I guess ^_^
Do you know that I went to economics school, majoring in Accounting? At the top of this pile is "Accountant's Bible". The GAAP = Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. It's a guideline for accoutant to make Financial statement, it's include standard, rules......eeeeeeeerrrrr. Let's be honest : I never really use the book, until I realize that this book is heavy enough to press my tat work!!! LOL. Therefore, to express my gratitude to this multifunction book, here it is

Here it is, the cover of Indonesian GAAP, posing with 3 well known patterns :
1. Flower bookmark, Pattern is being modified by Sabina Carden-Madden. Here is the pattern .
2. Christmas tree from Nancy Tracy. Click here to find the pattern.
3. Pattern from "Tatting Pattern and Design" by Gun Blomqvist and Elwy Persson
Last but not least, the weekly giveaway from Lady Shuttle Maker still continuing! (On the second thought, I'll be back next week and weeks after, to post another entry for next giveaway ^_^). Have you put your name on the bowl? Check on this link to see this generous giveaway.
Well, that's that for now. See you again in 4 weeks, 'till then, have a great days everbody ^_^