Anyway, last weekend I finally had a chance to meet Jon. She's come all the way from Malaysia to Bandung with her big big family to do a lot shopping. Well, I can't describe how many it really is...but she said she was so I guess it's quite a lot hahaha...
I'm trully sorry that I can't join her during the weekend. But I have a little time to see her at hotel, ad at the airport just before she flew back to Malaysia. It's only a short time, but I enjoy the meeting. At that chance, we exchanged gifts. And Jon was generous to me. Look what she gave me
And also a beautiful snowflake with a plastic ring. When I took them out to get them pictured, my niece spot the snowflake instantly. And she asked me to give it to her. But sorry my lovely niece, it's selfish aunting speaking : NOOO IT'S MINE, LOL.
It's been a nice weekend. Thank you so much Jon. You're a nice person. I hope we can meet again.